Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Round 3 VLCD 43-- 22 days left

WAHOO... down to 147.8... almost new territory. I landed on 147.6 for one day then bounced right back up.. so if this downward pattern continues that would be GREAT!

I'm feeling good and continue to notice the fat shifting. My body is slimming out in all the right area's. It has taken this round to see significant changes in my legs, and that baby belly is starting to diminish... I might get a close to flat tummy by the end of this round after all... or is that wishful thinking? LOL!


  1. Congratulations!! How tall are you? How did you decide what weight your goal weight should be?

  2. Leslie... I'm 5'6". I'm at the top of a normal BMI for my height. I do have a large bone structure. My goal is based on what I SEE on my body still. There is still a need to shed a bit more abnormal fat. Honestly this is the lowest I've weighed since I was 13 years old so each pound is completely new territory for me. I'm not exactly sure when I will stop... it could be at 140 if the hcg or the mirror tell me I'm done. I'm thinking based on what I see right now that I will end when I'm somewhere between 130-135, or when the hcg says I'm done. Remember the hcg will not allow normal fat stores to be burned... when they are gone it will cause you to become VERY hungry. Since I'm not having hunger now... I'll know if the fat is all consumed by all of a sudden becoming VERY hungry.

    When I weighed 155 from the age of 13 - college I always felt heavy and like I needed to lose 20 pounds. I always was the "fat" one among my friends. I'm wanted to see where my body can safely land and settle.

    I personally wanted to be at a healthy BMI. I honestly have no clue what the weight charts say I should be because I haven't looked at one in forever. If I remember I think for my height they were like 120-160. Well... I just looked up a chart on the internet that said for medium frame 130-144 and large frame 140-159. BUT I think we all know that those charts aren't always the best judge of what we should weigh.
