Monday, January 2, 2012

Geering up for Phase 3 Part 2

These are some of the most frequently asked questions folks ask me about Phase 3.

"How do I know how much to eat daily while in phase 3?"

There is no set answer for that question. Everyone's needs are different. Our family does not count calories. We focus on healthy nourishing fats, proteins, veggies, dairy, and limited fruits. We eat until satisfied, not stuffed. I do find that if I do not eat enough foods, especially from the fat and protein categories, I gain.

Some people prefer to count calories. If you want to count calories find 2-3 online calculators that will figure what your calories needs are based on your current height, weight, and activity level. Average out these three results then shoot for about 200 calories LESS than what is recommended. Or if the recommendation is 1800-2000, shoot for 1800 and see if that is a good place for your body. You also need to consider that you will most likely need 60-65% of those calories to come from FAT, 30-35% to come from PROTEIN, and 5-10% to come from CARBOHYDRATES. These carbs will come from your vegetables, berries, and dairy while in phase 3.

What does a daily menu look like for phase 3?

Breakfast: 2-3 eggs fried or scrambled in a couple tablespoons of butter. 2-3 pieces of bacon. Whipping Cream in your coffee.

Snack: ONLY if you are hungry: ½ cup of yogurt and a couple tablespoons of fresh or frozen berries.

Lunch: Large serving of protein cooked in fat. Vegetables, if steamed add 1-2 TBSP of butter, if fresh slather with olive oil dressings.

Snack: ONLY if hungry: protein: like hard boiled egg, leftover chicken or beef, or 1 oz of cheese, etc.

Dinner: Same as lunch.

Snack: ONLY if you are hungry. ½ cup berries fresh or frozen with ¼ cup whipping cream and sweetener.

Here is a starter list of foods to consider. It is not inclusive of EVERY food that is good for phase 3 but hopefully it will help you to think through which foods might work well in phase 3. Each person can be slightly different so make sure to listen to your body. If you experience stomach distress, or don't feel right after eating a particular food you MIGHT be sensitive to that food. So leave it out for a while then add it back in again and see if you react.

Fat: butter, coconut oil, and lard for cooking. Olive oil and no sugar mayonnaise for your salad dressings. Once again, make your own dressings because most store bought dressings have sugar/high fructose corn(hfc) syrup in them. Avocado is a fabulous source of fat! 

Protein: eggs, bacon, sausage (no sugar), all forms of beef, chicken with the skin on, fatty fish or lean fish swimming in butter, all forms of pork.Do not buy precooked, seasoned meats or lunch meats unless you are very careful about reading labels. Many of these meats like: beef jerky, lunch meats, ham, rotisserie chicken, etc are injected with sugar and starch, not to mention they usually have a LOT of salt which can cause water retention. 

Vegetables: greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, basically any vegetable that is not high in sugar or starch. Avoid carrots, peas, potatoes, and winter squash until Phase 4.

Dairy: whipping cream (in coffee or whipped up over fresh/frozen berries), butter, full fat sour cream, full fat yogurt, full fat Greek yogurt, or full fat cheese. Do not drink milk during this phase, milk has too much natural sugar in the form of lactose. You must make sure that any dairy you do use does not have ANY ADDED sugar. All dairy has some naturally occurring carbs/sugar. So read the ingredient list, if no sugar/hfc is added then you can TRY it!

Fruit: start with berries while continuing with all your phase 2 fruits, then add in other lower glycemic fruits. Avoid melons, grapes, banana's, tropical fruits, and other high sugar fruits until Phase 4.There are many lists online of the glycemic index of fruits, choose the ones that are lower in sugars. If you choose those in the medium range just have smaller portions and see how you do with them. 

Nuts: use cautiously and in moderation. Like no more than 1 oz a day.  Make sure to measure, not just crack open a bag and EAT. Many find that nuts can be almost as hard to control as potato chips were pre-hcg. So be cautious. I prefer to choose nuts like macadamia, pecan, walnuts, and almonds. Some nuts work better than others for different people, so you'll have to try a little of those you prefer and see how they work for you. I do not recommend peanuts nor peanut butter early on in phase 3 b/c of their higher starch content. So if you add it in, do so in small amounts and very cautiously to see how your body will respond.

What are the good foods that I might have to use with caution?

This list is not inclusive of all the phase 3 questionable foods but it will be a start for you. These foods should be used with caution and in small amounts until you learn what your body can handle and maintain well.

Nuts: start with no more than 1 ounce a day
Fruit -- berries are usually fine but other fruits can be problematic.
Cheese -- start with no more than 1 ounce a day, then gradually increase.
Milk -- usually the high sugar content causes gains so it is best to use very little or avoid all together until phase 4.

Why can't I lose weight in Phase 3?

Dr. Simeons says that if we lose weight in phase 3 it is normal fat, NOT abnormal fat. You must not drop below -2 of your LDW. If you do, add in a piece of fruit. If you add in fruit and continue to drop then see where you will land. Some do settle into a weight that is within -5 of their LDW, just like some settle into a weight that it +5 of their LDW. BUT don't drop too much or you will be losing NORMAL fat that your organs and muscles need to be healthy. It is important especially in phase 3 to maintain your weight within that 4 pound window to finalize the resetting of the hypothalamus.

When do I correct with a steak day or other correction day?

On the day of your last dose you will take your hcg in the morning only and weigh. That weight is called your Last Dose Weight (LDW) or Last Injection Weight (LIW). This weight is REALLY important during phase 3, phase 4, and for lifetime maintenance.

If your LDW is 155. You are in the "zone" if your weight is between 153 & 157. If you wake up and weigh and you are 157.2 you do a correction day. If you wake up and your weight is 152.8 you add a piece of fruit. Do not stress if your weight bounces around in that 4 pound window. Dr. Simeons tells us this will happen, it is completely normal and is why we eat no sugar or starch for 3 weeks. A high fat, protein, veggie, diet allows the weight to stabilize easier. Throw in sugar and starch and you will be a mess!

The only correction days mentioned by Dr. S are what we call the Steak Day, or the High Protein day. Here is a copy of what Dr. Simeons says about them in Pounds & Inches:

Skipping a Meal
As long as their weight stays within two pounds of the weight reached on the day of the last injection, patients should take no notice of any increase but the moment the scale goes beyond two pounds, even if this is only a few ounces, they must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch but take plenty to drink. In the evening they must eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato. Of course this rule applies only to the morning weight. Ex-obese patients should never check their weight during the day, as there may be wide fluctuations and these are merely alarming and confusing.
It is of utmost importance that the meal is skipped on the same day as the scale registers an increase of more than two pounds and that missing the meals is not postponed until the following day. If a meal is skipped on the day in which a gain is registered in the morning this brings about an immediate drop of often over a pound. But if the skipping of the meal - and skipping means literally skipping not just having a light meal - is postponed the phenomenon clues not occur and several days of strict dieting may be necessary to correct the situation.

Most patients hardly ever need to skip a meal. If they have eaten a heavy lunch they feel no desire to eat their dinner, and in this case no increase takes place. If they keep their weight at the point reached at the end of the treatment, even a heavy dinner does not bring about an increase of two pounds on the next morning and does not therefore call for any special measures. Most patients are surprised bow small their appetite has become and yet how much they can eat without gaining weight. They no longer suffer from an abnormal appetite and feel satisfied with much less food than before. In fact, they are usually disappointed that they cannot manage their first normal meal, which they have been planning for weeks.

Protein deficiency
Here too, the explanation is quite simple. During treatment the patient has been only just above the verge of protein deficiency and has had the advantage of protein being fed back
into his system from the breakdown of fatty tissue. Once the treatment is over there is no more HCG in the body and this process no longer takes place. Unless an adequate amount of protein is eaten as soon as the treatment is over, protein deficiency is bound to develop, and this inevitably causes the marked retention of water known as hunger-edema.
The treatment is very simple. The patient is told to eat two eggs for breakfast and a huge steak for lunch and dinner followed by a large helping of cheese and to phone through the weight the next morning. When these instructions are followed a stunned voice is heard to report that two lbs. have vanished overnight, that the ankles are normal but that sleep was disturbed, owing to an extraordinary need to pass large quantities of water. The patient having learned this lesson usually has no further trouble.

Me talking here, if you end up needing to do a CD RIGHT after starting Phase 3. I would highly recommend that you do the protein deficiency correction day as described above with the eggs, meat and cheese.

There are also many correction days that users of hcg through the year have developed. I purchased a Corrections Day e-book from:

This corrections day book is very detailed and is well worth the purchase. If you don't want to invest in the book you can get a list of alternate CD's with very brief descriptions from this yahoo group:

Go to their files section and you will find a list of Alternate Correction Days there.

My favorite CD's are: Greek Yogurt, Over Easy, Protein Shake, Egg, and Chicken. My least favorite is the Steak, though it works fine usually.

Do I start introducing these foods slowly or just charge into the phase 3 diet?

You have been consuming very few foods and calories, virtually no fat for months now. Yes, you have been burning fat, but no digesting fat. Most people when they start to eat the high fat diet that phase 3 requires end up with digestive distress. It is wise to have on hand a good digestive enzyme designed to help with the digestion of fats, it should have lipase in it. You will want to take these for the first few days or as needed while your body adjusts to the phase 3 diet.

Coconut oil is the easiest oil for the gallbladder to process. I recommend starting with small amounts of this oil added to your eggs at breakfast as well as your lunch and dinner meats. As time goes on increase the amount of oil and butter you are using daily. If you do not increase fast enough you will gain. That is why the digestive enzyme is really nice because it allows your body to process the fats you need to maintain well.

So, are you ready to start phase 3 now? Please add any questions you may have that I have not answered to the comments. I'll do my best to answer them and my even add them to this post for future viewers.


  1. Thank you for your information of beginning phase 3. I am starting it in 3 days. Today was my last dose of hcg and I had many questions, all of them answered in your blog. I appreciate your clear and concise writing and also your personal experience.

  2. You are welcome Georgette! Phase 3 and 4 tend to be the most challenging for people. If you have any struggles feel free to post or contact me privately, I'd be happy to help you think through things.

  3. Which digestive enzyme do you suggest? Also, regarding the correction days, is there a way to do this without using steak? Not a huge fan of steak. THANKS.

  4. Hi Marnie, I use one called Zypan by Standard Processing. As for the CD's I just edited this post and listed out where you can buy an excellent Corrections Day e book or where you can find a list of Alternate Correction Days. Enjoy your phase 3! :-)

  5. Shirley, how soon would you consider RIGHT away, in phase 3. I struggled with stabilizing this round and had to do a steak day on day 4 of P3 and it seemed almost every other day for over a week. After reading this post, I'm thinking it might have been hunger edema. I was very strict with myself and did not cheat at all.

    Just wondering your thoughts...

  6. Michele it is common for people to have to do a CD soon into phase 3. Usually it is because they have not had time enough to find a good food balance. I'd be happy to discuss what you are struggling with more in detail so we can evaluate your daily food intake and see if there happens to be anything that might be triggering the gains. I don't look at CD's as a failure to do phase 3 correctly, I view them as an opportunity to LEARN. You can click on any message on the yahoo group that I respond to then click to email me directly. I'd be happy to help your think through this if you'd like some help. :-)

  7. Shirly, just wondering why (on the menu plan) is it ONLY snack if hungry. For instance, i had a really hard time getting enough calories in to maintain no weight loss and I felt like I was loading again just to maintain enough daily calories. Obviously, this included snacks being a necessity for me. Is this not the case with you?
    I'd love to not eat snacks cuz usually not hungry but this would result in loss for me.

  8. Erin, I do not ever count calories. I eat when I'm hungry making sure to eat plenty of fat and protein, with the other stuff as fillers. Some folks stabilize 3-5 pounds below LDW just like some stabilize 3-5 pounds above LDW. If you are losing and NOT stabilizing then do add fruit in each time you DO eat. I'm guessing that if you added in fruit to your meals you'd stabilize, but I could be wrong. See what happens on your next phase 3. Play with it a bit, everybody is different. I personally refuse to count calories... too much work. :-)I let my body and the scale tell my how I'm doing.

  9. Shirley.. I was wondering if you knew a website where they have a list of approved foods during phase 3? Or a site where someone gives their inputs on what they eat daily so I can use as a guide. Thanks.

    1. Betsy, I'm afraid I do not... most of the lists I've seen have a lot of bad info on them. That is why I just encourage people to stick with real food. Meat, fat, veggies, fruit, whole fat dairy, etc. You do need to make sure that your food is in pure form, not processed... meaning, no summer sausage, ham (injected with sugar), lunch meats, etc... buy beef, pork, fish, chicken.. in its original form not made into anything else or in any other form or there will be fillers like sugar and starch. :-) If you have any questions feel free to post them and I'll be happy to give you my opinion on the matter. :-)

  10. Great info! I see the list of things that might cause some issue... Nuts, cheese, fruit, and milk. But are there some nuts and cheese that are better than others, or should they all be avoided as much as possible. Those are some of my favorite snacks. Or is it more of just a trial and error to see what works or more importantly "doesn't" work for each person? And other than the starchy veggies, are the rest of the veggies now open.

  11. Caren... milk is very iffy... I only drink kefired milk that I kefir at home b/c the kefir eats up the milk sugars and loads it with pro-biotics. Otherwise we drink cream and use cream in/on our foods. Nuts, limit yourself to 1 oz a day and see how your body does. Choose real nuts, the best one to start with is macadamia, then pecans, walnuts, and almonds are also good to try. The kicker is most people find they LOVE them and end up eating the entire bag in one sitting which is REALLY bad!!! Use a small amount chopped over your salad, or over some yogurt.. but limit your use to 1 oz a day until you find out if you can handle them. Peanuts are NOT a nut... they are from the legume family and I do not recommend peanut use early on in phase 3... maybe at the VERY end, but I believe they are best to save for phase 4. As for cheese, choose hard and semi-hard cheeses that have fat. We like cheddar, co-jack, swiss, parmesean, etc. Once again start with very small amounts, like no more than 1 oz a day, then increase according to what the scale says about your ability to handle cheese. Veggies... girl you eat every veggie out there that is lower in sugar and has no starch. That means basically all your salad veggies with the exception of carrots & peas... I don't introduce them until later in phase 3 when I'm really stable. You want to avoid corn, potatoes (red, brown, & sweet) and most winter squash unless you limit your serving to 100 grams... for the squash that is. NEVER eat corn or potato in phase 3.

  12. Quick question - I've seen lots of "phase 3 acceptable" recipes out there that use things like coconut flour, cocoa powder, almond flour, etc...

    are those ok, or are they a starch? I would have thought before they were a starch, until I saw them cropping up in all these recipes...

  13. Great Question. I believe it is best to avoid most of these during your first week. Then you can TRY them during your second week. I usually tell folks to try the nut thy want to use as a flour first to make sure that particular nut does not cause a gain with you. If you are using coconut oil without issue you can try some coconut flour. These items do have small amount of starch, but many find they can use them in moderation for treats in phase 3. All you can do is try and see if they work for you and in what amounts they work for you.
