Saturday, March 31, 2012

Update -- Phase 4

Sorry it has been FOREVER since I've blogged. I've been busy getting into a better routine at home, along with continuing with my exercise, and prepping for all the work to be done here on the farm in the spring.

My weight has been perfectly stable since our trip.  I dropped 4 pounds doing CD's upon our return. Since then, I've stayed between 158-160 with no effort at all and am able to eat within reason almost anything I want. This weight stabilization point is where I stabilized my last round which is no great surprise because I totally ruined my last round by cheating the last 20 days of the round. Cheating never pays!! At least I AM stable, and now I can work on getting the weight back down into the 140's which is where I really want to be.  I continue to do walk aerobics for 2 miles 5-6 days a week and I'm now up to almost 30 minute of weight training 3 days a week. I'm sure some of the weight I've gained is muscle but not all of it. I'm starting JUDDDing. To learn more about that WOE (Way Of Eating) do a google search for Dr. Johnson Up Day Down Day diet. I'm excited about what I've learned about how JUDDD, Fast 5, and Intermittent Fasting can activate the SIRT1 Gene and the many health difficulties that can be resolved as a result of this gene being active. We'll see how things go!

For now that is about all that is new around here. I hope to be back down to my LDW by May so I can shop for a dress for my husband's nieces wedding we will be attending Mid-May.


  1. Cheating stinks, I'm sorry it cost you your round but it sounds
    Ike things have been stable since then, which is. Lessing.

    Do keep us posted on how the UPDD experiment goes. I'm going to be doing intermittent fasting, myself, this next P3 (more Leangains style than Johnson's, but similar premises) and I think it is the next paver in the road to health, so to speak, for those of use who have been obese but are now reduced.

    It's good to hear from you, take care!

  2. Yes Taryl. I can now say that I have done perfect rounds and a not so perfect round! I guess the one benefit is that I am able to tell folks that cheating really can effect your round and especially your stabilization.

    I agree that fasting appropriately has some really positive effects on our body. Based on my research it may help to resolve many physical difficulties that are common to many people. BUT fasting to one extent or another can be really hard until you get in the habit. I'll have to do some research on Leangains syle. :-) Thanks for stopping by Taryl.
