Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back in the Saddle! VLCD4

This week began another round for Hubby and I. He doesn't have as much to lose as I do but we will travel this road together again. I'm too embarrassed to say how much I've gained over the past 6 months but instead will focus on making it one day at a time, one pound at a time until I see that goal weight come into view again!

Monday was my first VLCD and since I've dropped 5 pounds. I'm not sure what Phil's progress has been as it has been a busy week for us. I loaded and started this week out using hhcg from GFC Health products

Today my Rx arrived from clinical hcg!

Tomorrow I will start taking the shots. I'm a little nervous about giving myself shots. If I cannot do it, stick that needle into my tummy, then Phil will give them to me.  So why am I switching to the shots you may ask??

1. I'm looking forward to not having to dose 3 times a day like I'm used to when using homeopathic. Having 1 shot a day will be nice. It will also be nice to not have to worry about whether or not I've eaten or drank or had mint or coffee around dosing times.

2. I'm hopeful that the shots will offer better and more sustained appetite suppressant.  When I'm taking hhcg I usually get hungry at mealtimes and depending on how my day goes I often experience hunger in the evenings. There are times when I just feel "empty", but sometimes I honestly feel hungry, I'm hoping to just feel "empty" on the Rx rather than hungry. I've read often of those on Rx who have a hard time eating their small meals... I'm hoping that will be me soon!

3. I wanted to try the protocol exactly as Dr. Simeons did it. He only had Rx offered by injection. He didn't use hhcg or sublingual hcg.  I want to see how my body responds to Rx given by injection. The Dr. at clinical said one reason she prefers the shots above all else is that it ALWAYS works. I have met some folks that find the homeopathic doesn't work for them. Some say all forms of hcg work.  Two years ago I used hhcg, then switched to sublingual, now... I'm going to give the Rx shots a try.

Once again I'm getting encouragement from others on the hcg2yahoo group. If you aren't part of a yahoo group and area looking for a group that is honest and encouraging check out hcg2, they are a great group of ladies. The main moderator is very good at challenging us to re-think our food philosophy by posting articles on many things related to food, diet and health. One on that group maintained GREAT over the past year but has decided to do one more round to get a little off gained over the holidays plus is hoping to get closer to the lower end of her "normal" weight. Another posted her success in losing over 100 pounds this past year... AMAZING!!  I find it inspiring to read of not only the success of others... but even their struggles. Ya... misery loves company. No really, I know I'm not the only person who has struggled with weight for YEARS and is still learning to deal with the emotional, mental, and physical challenges of making life changes with my diet.

So..... here we go again!

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