Friday, January 13, 2012

Coconut Oil - Load, Phase 3 & 4

I am a HUGE coconut oil fan. If you are not familiar with the many benefits of coconut oil visit: or

Read about how beneficial coconut oil is for your body internally and externally.

I believe that everybody should eat coconut oil DAILY when they are not on phase 2. During phase 2 it CANNOT be consumed or used topically... it is an OIL and Dr. S says not to ingest or touch oils.

However, when you reach phase 3 you need to cook with it and bathe your body in it. Your skin will love you if you start using it as a lotion... even on your FACE. It is fabulous for removing eye make-up and it will cure yeast infections and athletes foot!

I found this blog with a fabulous write up on various products you can make using coconut oil. I'm going to try many of them when I enter into phase 3.

I like cooking with Expeller Pressed Coconut oil because it has no coconut flavor and my family has no idea I'm loading them with healthy fats. When I use the oil topically or eat it raw I prefer the virgin coconut oil for optimum health benefits and anti-fungal properties. Usually the Extra Virgin coconut oil has a strong coconut flavor and the expeller pressed has little to no flavor depending on the brand.

Please note, if you have never used coconut oil, start incorporating it into your diet slowly, like 2-3 tsp a day or you may find yourself very ill. Coconut oil will cause your body to detoxify as well as it will clean out candida yeast. Both are benefits but because it is such a powerful food, it can make you very sick while you are detoxing. You will find that you have excellent energy because it will increase your metabolism and you will have better fat burning capacity when you eat it daily!

My favorite brands are from Tropical Traditions, Wilderness Family, and Nutiva. I have also recently heart that the Extra Virgin Vitacost brand is fabulous. I plan to try it when I enter into phase 3. I've also ordered a jar of Coconut Manna to try upon entering phase 3. It sounds like a gloriously smooth coconut cream/oil which is supposed to be great straight out of the jar. I promise to give you my opinion as soon as I'm in phase 3 and eating it! :-)


  1. What about mineral oil? Correct me if I am wrong..I was reading somewhere that you can use baby lotion when you are on Phase 2. I read the ingredients and it contains mineral oil. And it said that you use keri lotion also for a moisturizer. Thank you Shirley! Jusitne

  2. Mineral oil is not a nutritional oil so yes, it is fine for use during phase 2. :-)
