Thursday, January 12, 2012

Round 3 VLCD 18/15

I have learned that starting 10-12 days before TOM does NOT work for ME! My first round I started 10 days b/f and this round about 12 days b/f. My PMS, cravings, moods, etc seem to be MUCH worse than the round that I started right AFTER TOM. Dr. Simeons DOES say that right AFTER is best, however, he does also say we can start 10 days prior to menstruation. If I ever have to do another round... I will WAIT and start after. This round I feel like I've lost an entire week of prime weight loss with this TOM. I will not be surprised if I step on the scale Monday and find I have lost very little if not anything at all due to this TOM. Bummer!!! But it is what it is!

Teen son is officially in phase 3 and we are considering doing the Leptin RX for him. If your not familiar with Leptin Resistance and have had struggles stabilizing LS or Insulin resistance may be part of the issue. Here is a link to the Leptin info I've been reading this week. I'm re-visiting it because I DO have elevated T-3 issues, an imbalance in my progesterone/estrogen/testosterone, and higher evening cortisol, not super high, just not low enough. I think often folks expect that we can simply follow Dr. Simeons Weight Loss Cure and all will be well. However, the bodies of 2012 are vastly different from the bodies of the 1950's. Many in our society today have compromised immune systems, and degenerative health issues that simply didn't exist back in the 1950's before our world was inundated with chemicals in our soil, air, and toxic elements added to almost every food we consume. Each generation keeps getting weaker and weaker due to these environmental factors. So, chew on this.... if you want to maintain your weight loss long term you must discover the true state of your personal over-all health, you must educate yourself on what real foods, whole foods you SHOULD be eating, and you must determine to be willing to work at reaching a new level of optimum health, because it WILL BE WORK!

Here is the Leptin Link:

Today's weights:
Teen Daughter: -.2 Total R3 loss: 11.2 Total hcg loss -29.2
Hubby: -.4 Total R3 loss: 17.6 Total hcg loss - 34.6

Oh and IT'S SNOWING!!!

Have a great day!


  1. Hey Shirley! I had such a hard time stabilizing after R2 because of TOM. I wanted to make sure if doing a short round, which is what I had planned to do this last round, that I started at a time that would not have me starting TOM as I was starting P3 again. I found it hard to find a time to start P2 and not end up having TOM at some point during P3 only doing a 23 day round since my TOM comes like clockwork every 4 weeks. Therefore, I started at a point that should have me starting TOM at the end of week 2 of P3. Wouldn't you know it! After starting P2 this round, TOM came a whole week early! UGH!!! That would mean TOM should arrive at the end of the 1st week of P3! Now I am thinking this short round I was looking forward to will have to end up being about 2 1/2 weeks longer than I had anticipated. :( I just don't want to risk having such a hard time stabilizing again.

    SNOW! I love snow! Bet it's not helping with the freezing though. :)

    1. I don't have problems with TOM in phase 3. I know I gain, so just ride it out. My weight comes down after TOM is gone during phase 3. BUT each person can be a bit different. Some do a CD and it works, for me CD's don't work at TOM or ovulation. I just have to let my body release the water as it sees fit. It is really important to not END phase 2 at TOM. According to Dr. S we need 3 injections AFTER TOM then transition to phase 3. I know YOU know this Blossom, but other viewers may not. It is important to end phase 2 at a stable time hormonally which means NOT during TOM. :-)
